Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Emptiness - Jeffrey Hopkins

Emptiness - Jeffrey Hopkins
Jeffrey Hopkins (born 1940) is a distinguished American Tibetologist. He is Emeritus of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Virginia, where he taught for more than three decades since 1973. He has authored more than twenty-five books about Tibetan Buddhism, among them the highly influential Meditation on Emptiness, which appeared in 1983, offering a pioneering exposition of Prasangika-Madyamika thought in the Geluk tradition. From 1979 to 1989 he was the Dalai Lama's chief interpreter into English and he played a significant role in the development of the Free Tibet Movement.



  1. Perhaps you misunderstood - I ALWAYS find what I'm looking for on Buddhist Torrents - it's awesome. My frustration was that many of the items point to Demonoid. As to just asking for an invite, I wasn't aware it was that simple. I thought invites were rarer than a buddha tooth, and I didn't presume to ask.

  2. email me at:

    And I will dispell the Demon and I will send you a bag full of teeth.

    July 3, 2009

  3. Use emule.

    I will share all the pdf I DL from here in emule.

    Hope this help, and you share this too.

  4. I mean pdf, torrents and files not bigger than 100MB or so.

    This one is there now.

  5. please leave me a demonoid inivite.
    thanks a bunch

