The photo-installation (33 minutes digirama) called Himalayablues - an Audiovisual Meditation on the Ten Transcendent Virtues of the Bodhisattva is featuring photos taken in the Himalayas of Northern India (mostly in Ladakh) a region called also Western or Little Tibet, words taken from the Sanskrit-Tibetan-English vocabulary of Alexander Csoma de Koros (1784-1845), and Ms. Spalzing (a woman from Ladakh) practicing/reciting the Ngondro.
(About the author: Zsolt Suto (Lodro Tharpa) is a 33 years old Hungarian photographer and visual artist from Romania who traveled in the footsteps of Alexander Csoma de Koros for 3 months in the Himalayas of Northern India in 2007: his goal was to get to those monasteries and villages where Alexander lived and worked 200 years ago. For those who speak Hungarian the whole story of the journey can be read on his blog here: yun.ro . More galleries of images taken on this trip can be found here: webzen.ro - you have to scroll down a bit about til the half of the page.)
It can be downloaded (avi, zip, 610 KB) from here: yun.ro/media/himalayablues-
Those who wish to read the English version of the journal should subscribe to http://himalayablue.blogspot.
it can be downloaded with jdownloader too