A commentary by Thrangu Rinpoche on the Uttara Tantra Shastra of Maitreya. The Uttaratantra elucidates the teachings from the Buddha's Third Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. The first turning was the Four Noble Truths, the second the Prajnaparamita and the third was on the subject of Buddha nature - the essential qualities and potential for enlightenment present in all beings. As the root verses of the text are in prose they require an oral transmission and commentary to explain their vast and profound meaning.
"The elucidation of this potential, emptinesss and luminosity inseperable, is the bridge between the sutra and tantra paths, the view of vajrayana and the ground of mahamudra, thus it is an essential text for all practitioners of the Buddhadharma. In addition to the theoretical transmission is the meditative approach to this text, the lineage of which continued through the Kagyu tradition, received first by the Third Karmapa and continuing unbroken to the present day. This is what is transmitted here through the great wisdom and compassion of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche." Lama Karma Shedrup
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