Schopenhauer over on The Pirate Bay has put together a great collection of material on Buddhism and Meditation. Some very rare interviews and material in here.
Meditation - In the Perspective of Science, Health and Spirituality (Compilation)
What do we got here? Well, 21 Videoclips (9 hours and 34 minutes) 14 Audiobooks (299 audiofiles with a total duration of 65 hours and 53 minutes) 1 Album and 1 E-book There are many perspectives on meditation, and also people have different ideas about it; Meditation for some is a purely medical treatment founded on evidence based research. Sometimes it is connected with an interest to investigate neurological activity in relation to the study of consciousness. For other people it is just something related to a sense of a healthy lifestyle and personal well-being. And for yet others it is a part of developing, or deepening their spiritual or religious life. I did put a lot of effort into making a DVD that appeals to any of these three perspectives or categories that might be in your particularly, taste, interest or need, without compromising on either quantity/quality of material. Use what you find helpful for yourself, discard what you don't find any value in. Almost every person on this DVD with very few exceptions has either a M.D or a PhD in something, that is related to what they offer to teach. It just turned out that way, and it gives a small guarantee that those persons didn't get into the field 2 months ago just to make a bit of quick and easy cash.I didn't put any of the typical new-age people or so on this DVD just because that was not the kind of compilation i had in mind this time. But there are both scientist and people representing different spiritual traditions on the DVD.
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