Tuesday 18 March 2008

Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1973)

Keeping on the Buddhist Birds theme I found this gem today. There only seems to be a low qualitly VHS rip of this, but like the poster of the file says, "Better than Nothing."

Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1973)
Jonathan is sick and tired of the boring life in his sea-gull clan. He rather experiments with new, always more daring flying techniques. Since he doesn't fit in, the elders expel him from the clan. So he sets out to discover the world beyond the horizon in quest for wisdom.

VHS rip. 704 Meg

DVD (Better Quality): http://www.mininova.org/tor/1341829


  1. I've just discovered this blog. Many thanks for collecting all these works together. It is much appreciated.

  2. WOW!
    thanks a lot
    i dint even know avideo of this awesome book existed.

    thanks a ton

  3. this beautiful book had been sitting on my bookshelf for decades, and recently I read it for the first time. So damn beautiful. I knew the Seagul soundtrack by Neil Diamond though. but haven't seen the movie yet.
