Thursday, 26 May 2011

Kensho: The Heart of Zen

Kensho: The Heart of Zen
An authoritative and prolific translator of and commentator on East Asian religious texts, Cleary tells us that kensho means "Zen insight into the essence of one's own being." To explain this concept in depth, he translates and comments on three Zen texts and divides his book into corresponding parts, which he titles "The True Mind," "Applications," and "Zen Koans." The three Zen texts are Chinul's (Korean, 1158-1210) Straightforward Explanation of the True Mind, several works by Hakuin (Japanese Zen master, 1689-1769), and The Book of Ease, a Chinese koan collection. Cleary's approach is to state a theme, expound on it, quote several passages from one of the three works to illuminate the concept, show what this contributes to the Zen understanding of true mind, and summarize his presentation. His work is tightly reasoned, complex, and for the advanced student of Zen.



Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life

Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life - Thich Nhat Hanh, Lilian Cheung
If Vietnamese Zen Buddhist master Nhat Hanh says the same thing over and over, it could be because not enough people have heard him, and those who have need a reminder. He speaks to both groups in this work, coauthored by Harvard nutritionist Cheung, urging mindfulness about what people put in their mouths. It's a diet book and a meditation book, an unusual hybrid that makes sense for Nhat Hanh because it applies his essential wisdom: pay attention; breathe. If you consistently do that, you'll eat less, and at least two-thirds of Americans surely need to follow that advice. This book adds a lot of eat-this-and-not-that rules, as well as exercise guidelines, delivering so much information the effect is a little overwhelming. But the core meditation instructions are quintessential Nhat Hanh, steely and loving. This could be the diet-and-exercise book for those who have failed using other methods and need a fresh approach. For Nhat Hanh's many fans, it is the sole wellness book they'll need to remind themselves to only pay attention.

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Sunday, 22 May 2011

Awakening the Sacred Body

Awakening the Sacred Body - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Awakening the Sacred Body brings the ancient art of Tibetan breathing practices to the mainstream. Teacher Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche outlines the theory and process of two powerful meditations-the Nine Breathings of Purification and the Tsa Lung movements-that can help you change the way you think, feel, and experience the world. The simple methods presented in Awakening the Sacred Body and on the accompanying DVD focus on clearing and opening your energetic centers to allow the natural human qualities of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity to bloom. These practices, which bring the mind and breath together with specific body movements, can help you connect to your inner wisdom and achieve a relaxed yet aware state of mind.

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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Natural Perfection: Longchenpa's Radical Dzogchen

Natural Perfection: Longchenpa's Radical Dzogchen - Longchen Rabjam
Dzogchen or the Great Perfection is the apex of Tibetan Buddhism, and Longchen Rabjam is recognized as the pre-eminent master of Dzogchen and one of Tibet's greatest writers and sages. His Treasury of Reality encompasses and optimizes the radical precepts of Dzogchen and is a shining example of why people continue to turn to the traditions of Tibet for spiritual and personal transformation. Transcending the Tibetan context, Longchen Rabjam’s book is a manual of practical wisdom for all people of all times, cultures, and traditions. Dzogchen teaches the natural perfection of all experience, phenomena, and life, just as it is, with no need to alter or fabricate complex ideas or philosophical views. This discipline of spiritual transcendence provides the key not only to our inner enlightenment but to the health and survival of our planet.


Das weise Herz: Die universellen Prinzipien buddhistischer Psychologie

Das weise Herz: Die universellen Prinzipien buddhistischer Psychologie - Jack Kornfield
Das neue, beeindruckende Werk des großen buddhistischen Lehrers als Hörbuch. Schlägt man ein grundlegendes Buch über den Buddhismus auf, erwartet man als Erstes den Hinweis auf das allem Leben zugrunde liegende Leiden. Nicht so bei Jack Kornfield. Im Ursprung, schreibt er, liegt die Würde, die unser tiefstes Wesen ausmacht. Sie entstammt unserer Verbundenheit mit allem Lebendigen, die die Wurzel jedes wahrhaftigen Mitgefühls ist. Seine Vision des Buddhismus offenbart ein absolut positives und ermutigendes Menschenbild. Kornfield versteht den Buddhismus als großartiges psychologisches Konzept und nicht als ab- und ausgrenzende Religion. „Das weise Herz“ ist ein machtvolles Buch der Heilung und zugleich eine Laudatio auf Buddha als den größten Heiler. Es widerlegt überzeugend die Auffassung, dass über den 2500 Jahre alten Buddhismus nichts wirklich Neues und Aufregendes mehr geschrieben werden kann.



Peace Is Every Breath

Peace Is Every Breath: A Practice for Our Busy Lives - Thich Nhat Hanh
In his travels around the country and the world, Zen master and international best selling author Thich Nhat Hanh witnessed a growing unhappiness among the many people he encountered. He saw the hectic pace of our day-to-day lives taking a toll on our health and well-being. In response, the renowned teacher sat down to write Peace Is Every Breath, a book that makes the core teachings of Buddha accessible for everyone. In this jewel of a book, Thich Nhat Hanh does not suggest that we escape from reality and put our busy lives on hold. Far from it. Instead, he provides the insight and tools we need to incorporate the practice of mindfulness into our every waking moment. Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how we can transcend the mad rush of our days and discover within the here and now our own innate ability to experience inner peace and happiness.
Offering personal anecdotes, meditations, and advice for mindfully connecting with our present experience, Thich Nhat Hanh guides us around potential pitfalls along the way. We do not need to escape reality to harness the joy and peace that is possible with every breath we take—the power of mindfulness can heal us from the suffering caused by the many stresses that surround us. Including original calligraphy by Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Breath is a timely book filled with timeless wisdom and practical advice that is destined to become a classic.

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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Lion's Gaze

Lion's Gaze: A Commentary on Tsig Sum Nedek
The most profound and direct teaching of Buddha Shakyamuni's is called Dzogchen, or atiyoga, the Clear Light Great Perfection. This is the culmination of all nine vehicles that form the foundation path. Familiarity with its view, meditation and conduct brings unique results. In "Lion's Gaze", the authors Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche, a highly qualified Lama and Dzogchen Master, and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, also a highly qualified Lama, Kama and Terma lineage holder and recognized expert in ancient Tantric literature, gather the teachings and reintroduce their essence in a timeless way. The first part of the book summarizes the history of Dzogchen and notes its lineage masters, illustrated with 15 beautiful portrait line drawings, and continues with explainations of the preliminary practices.
The second section begins with "Three Words That Strike The Crucial Point", written by 8th century Vidyadhara Garab Dorje, the first human teacher of Dzogchen. This three line text is followed by Master Patrul Rinpoche's famous commentary entitled, "The Special Teaching of The Wise and Glorious Sovereign", written in the 19th century. The original Tibetan with English translations are provided for all original texts.



Real Happiness

Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Program
 Thousands of years prove it, and Western science backs it: Meditation sharpens focus. Meditation lowers blood pressure, relieves chronic pain, reduces stress. Meditation helps us experience greater calm. Meditation connects us to our inner-most feelings and challenges our habits of self-judgment. Meditation helps protect  the brain against aging and improves our capacity for learning new things.

Meditation opens the door to real and accessible happiness.  There is no better person to show a beginner how to harness the power of meditation than Sharon Salzberg, one of the world’s foremost meditation teachers and spiritual authors. Cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society, author of Lovingkindness, Faith, and other books, Ms. Salzberg distills 30 years of teaching meditation into a 28-day program that will change lives. It is not about Buddhism, it’s not esoteric—it is closer to an exercise, like running or riding a bike. From the basics of posture, breathing, and the daily schedule to the finer points of calming the mind, distraction, dealing with specific problem areas (pain in the legs? falling asleep?) to the larger issues of compassion and awareness, Real Happiness is a complete guide. It explains how meditation works; why a daily meditation practice results in more resiliency, creativity, peace, clarity, and balance; and gives twelve meditation practices, including mindfulness meditation and walking meditation. An extensive selection of her students’ FAQs cover the most frequent concerns of beginners who meditate—“Is meditation selfish?” “How do I know if I’m doing it right?” “Can I use meditation to manage weight?”




Hoofprint of the Ox

Hoofprint of the Ox: Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master 

Revered by Buddhists in the United States and China, contemporary Master Sheng-yen shares his wisdom and teachings in this first comprehensive English primer of Chan, the Chinese tradition of Buddhism that inspired Japanese Zen. Often misunderstood as a system of mind games, the Chan path involves a process of of self-transformation grounded in carefully hewn spiritual disciplines and premises.

Master Sheng-yen provides an unprecedented understanding of Chan, its precepts, and its practice. Beginning with a basic overview of Buddhism and meditation, the book then details the progressive mental exercises traditionally followed by all Buddhists.


