Monday, 16 August 2010

Thus Come, Thus Gone

I have decided to finally end Buddha Torrents today. I'm sure to the delight of some people and to sadden others. I really don't have the time anymore to devote to postings and I feel the time is right to stop. There has been some interest by others to continue this blog, either as a website or a new blog and I very much support that. I however wont be involved with maintaining anything new. Its a shame that there hasn't been any similar blogs to this one but now with the death of Buddha Torrents I hope some seeds may sprout.

I would like to thank all those that contributed to the blog over the years and all the followers. This blog has allowed me to watch and listen to a wide variety of Buddhist material that I would never had a chance to otherwise see. I hope that the community will continue to share items of merit and enlighten those still on the way.

Gassho - Namaste - Peace

Leaf Dharma

Monday, 9 August 2010

Touching the Earth

Touching the Earth - Thich Nhat Hanh
One of the most powerful acts of devotion is also one of the most simple: bowing down and surrendering to the earth. This is the basis for The Five Prostrations, a time-honored Buddhist meditation practice that joins the mind and body. On Touching the Earth, Buddhist masters Thich Nhat Hanh and Sister Chân Không update this ancient teaching for the modern student. You learn each phase of this practice, which will help empty your body of resentment while opening it to compassion for all life. Through the songs of Sister Chan Khong (whom Thich Nhat Hanh has called a living bodhisattva, or one dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings) you also gain an ancient Buddhist technique for communicating tenderness and healing to your body. Touching the Earth comes to you with a foldout explaining this artful meditation in detail.



Aitken Roshi Final Interview

Aitken Roshi Final Interview
This past week American Zen Master Robert Aitken passed away at age 93. Shortly before his passing he gave this final interview. The audio is of poor quality and unedited.
